Minggu, 31 Januari 2016


I.                    BACKGROUND
Asbestos is a fibrous mineral that was widely used not only in developing countries but also in developed countries like the United States. In the United States , asbestos was used as insulation material. There are many types of asbestos fibers but the most common are krisotil, amosit and krokidolit, everything is a chain magnesium silicate hydrate unless krokidolit which is a silicate of sodium and iron. Krokidolit and amosit has a large iron content. Chrysotile is found in the pages of the roll, the fibers form a hollow like a tube with a diameter of about 0:03 milimicron . Asbestos fibers are heat resistant and can reach 800 0 C (Abraham, 1994). Because this is the nature of the asbestos used in the construction and manufacturing (Roggli et al. , 1994). More than 30 million tons of asbestos were used in construction and factories in the United States . In addition, asbestos is relatively soluble, high tensile strength, and acid resistance (only amphibole) (Abraham, 1994).
Asbestos can become dry or brittle if it exists digangggu (eg improvement of pipe insulation) or because of age. As a result of microscopic fibers that are invisible to the eye can be divided and suspended in air. Once in the air, asbestos fibers will be settled in the long term and is then inhaled by humans who were in the neighborhood. And its small size makes this asbestos fibers trapped in the lungs ( Anonymous, 1995 ) .

II.                 SUMMARY OF ISSUES
What is the meaning of asbestos?
What the properties of asbestos?
How is the distribution of asbestos?
Anywhere where there?
How do I use it?
How do I pebuatan asbestos?
What are the dangers of asbestos for health?
What are the benefits of asbestos?


I.                    DEFINITION OF ASBESTOS
Asbestos is a general name for several fibrous silicate minerals. 

Historically, asbestos is known for its resistance to fire and its ability to be woven into the fabric. Because of these properties, asbestos was used to make flame retardant stage curtain for the theater, as well as heat-resistant clothing for metal workers and firefighters. A more modern application of asbestos utilizing chemical resistance and reinforcing properties of the fibers to produce reinforced cement asbestos products, including pipes, sheets and shingles are used in building construction. Asbestos was used as insulation for rocket engines in space exploration and as a component in an electrolytic cell that makes oxygen in the submerged nuclear submarine. Most of chlorine for bleaching, cleaning, and disinfecting is manufactured using asbestos products.

II.                 NATURE OF ASBESTOS
Asbestos is a fibrous mineral chrysotile group consisting of minerals, krokidolit and actinolite. Type composed of mineral chrysotile asbestos produced the most (94% of world production), while compiled by tremolite and actinolite almost no economic value. The properties of asbestos Asbestos has some special properties including:
-           Microscopy, under a microscope, asbestos fibers appear wavy-line.
-           Surface Rough Heart to easily slip if twisted
Physical properties:
-           Strength of asbestos fibers depending on the species, mining and processing.
-           Asbestos is resistant to heat and flame. In huhu 200-1000 degrees Celsius asbestos lose weight because the evaporation of crystal water and carbon dioxide. Asbestos melting point of about 1180 - 1500 degrees celsius.

Chemical properties:
-            Asbestos is composed of chemical composition, such as SiO2, MgO, oxides Ø Fe, Al2O3, CaO, Na2O and H2O.

Asbestos can be divided into two parts.
Serpentine group; Chrysotile is a mineral that is magnesium silicate hydroxide with the composition Mg6 (OH) 6 (Si4O11) H2O,
 Amphibole group; namely mineral crocidolite, antofilit, amosit, actinolite and tremolit. Which are widely used in the industry is kind of Chrysotile asbestos. 
Differences in asbestos fibers because of the different fiber length, also because it is different. One type of asbestos fibers in general can be used for many applications such as the length of the fiber to a fine. 
The division on the basis of whether or not asbestos fibers are twisted are:
1.      Asbestos fibers are twisted, used for:
-           Clutch, curtains and screens, gaskets, gloves, bags of asbestos, boilers coatings, wall coverings, clothing fire, brake linings, tires, asbestos textiles, etc. 
-           Fire extinguishers, asbestos yarn, tape, rope, tools presenta-bung steam pipes, electrical equipment, chemical equipment, laboratory gasket needs, and floral wire.
2. The       non-woven fibers comprising:
-           asbestos cement for lining furnaces and boilers and pipes, walls, floors, appliances and electric chemistry
-           Asbestos in the roof;
-           asbestos paper to the floor and roof, pipe cover insulator-insulator of heat and electricity;
-           The walls of asbestos in homes and factories, all kinds of insulation, gaskets, boilers, and furnaces;
-           Various other compounds that use very fine asbestos and asbestos mostly as slurry.
Amphibole asbestos commonly used as a textile fiber material is of the type varieties Crocidolite. It is associated with power Spun suit the needs of the textile industry. Chrysotile and antagonit included in the group of serpentine asbestos. Chrysotile asbestos is also a kind of important in the textile industry.

availability of asbestos deposits in Indonesia in connection with the distribution base or ultramafic rocks, found in some places, such as:
-           brass (Java)
-           center
-           Halmahera Island
-           Sulawesi
-           Irian
-           Seram (Moluccas)
-           Papua
Asbestos mining can be done by open pit and underground mines, as for the stage include:
-           drilling
-           blasting
-           separation of rock containing asbestos and other rocks
-           processing.

V.                 USE
The use of asbestos in the industry affected by the length of the short fibers of asbestos, for example:
         Asbestos fiber length, fiber to yarn, rope, asbestos cloth, the curtains flame retardant, fire resistant clothing, electrical insulation and thermal, belt conveyor, automobile brake linings, glove, wick, light shirt.

         Asbestos fibers are a mixture of cement, asbestos, making pipes, asbestos sheets, roofing.
         Asbestos fibers are short: the cast refractory material, Various other compounds that use very fine asbestos and asbestos mostly as slurry.
VI.              HOW TO MAKE THE BRIEF
Asbestos is found in the form of fine fibers as a conduit between the rocks. consisting of silicic acid grit and magsenium. By destroying coral times, the fibers obtained are then made of stone asbestos. Stone milled asbestos and asbestos fibers will get sorted and fine fibers in spinning cotton into yarn and cotton yarn to remove the roasted over the fire, which burned and the remaining cotton yarn asbestos.
Another way:
asbestos fibers are not twisted but pressed as sheets of asbestos (asbestos paper), or pressed asbestos fibers mixed with Portland cement up into slabs of asbestos cement. And how asbestos fibers are easily obtained sponge containing asbestos in breach sorted and collected rock containing asbestos and milled or sieved to separate between asbestos fibers and stones.

Asbestos fibers tend to break easily, like a mirage, spread in the air and stick to clothes or the human body. Asbestos fibers are generally 3 to 20 micron, making it visible to the human eye. But when magnified through a scanning electron microscope, the shape of the asbestos fibers are thin and sharp.
Asbestos dust can stick to the skin and cause itching (irritation). When scratched or rubbed, this dust can easily enter the body through the pores to then develop into skin cancer.  asbestos fibers with a diameter of less than 3 milimicron that will be inhaled through the respiratory tract and retained in the lungs.  Its Durable causing asbestos fibers will stay in the human body for many years. Asbestos fibers can cause irritation pneumoconiosis (from the Greek, means lung pneumonia and conical means dust) in the lungs known as asbestosis , the lung disorder in the long term due to the absorption of asbestos fibers and is well known among occupational health practitioner and health. inorganic particle, which inhaled, such as asbestos, silica can damage the lungs through the formation of free radicals.

In short, it can be concluded, because asbestos diseases include:
1.       Asbestosis is a wound in the lungs until breathing difficulties and can cause death.
2.       Mesothelioma, a cancer that attacks the lining of the stomach and chest, symptoms appear after 20-30 years since the first kalimenghirup asbestos fibers.
3.       Lung cancer, the leading cause of normally white asbestos lung cancer

Here's an example of the Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Washington State Department of Labor & Industries is a case of shortness of breath that occurs in Joe Darabant and lung tumors in Richard Pankowski

1.       As Roof House
The first benefit of asbestos as roofs. Roof made of asbestos can be a substitute for roof made of tiles, and can also be a roof that has a lightweight construction. In addition, asbestos also have prices that tend to be cheaper than the critical value, so few homes that have semi-permanent construction often use asbestos as a roof.
The use of asbestos as the roof of this house can use plywood as a separator between the columns with asbestos, so it will be more convenient. Benefits of plywood  can provide good water settling in the room so it will not be too hot or too cold.
2.       Semi Permanent Building Construction
Besides its use as roofs, asbestos was often used as a wall on a semi-permanent home. Use semi permanent house construction using asbestos rated better slammed by a wall and also the construction of a simple wooden or bamboo date.
In addition, the price of wood and bamboo also tend to be more expensive to use a semi-permanent housing construction. But can also use other construction materials such as gypsum,  gypsum benefits  that can be used as a semi-permanent walls will help share rooms with more sturdy.
3.       Mixed Materials in Building Materials
On its own building material, asbestos is often a compound for the preparation of a building. A mixture of asbestos in building materials, especially building materials made of plastic, which is most often used as a roof.
In addition to using materials in constructing a permanent building, use of building materials with wood alloy also not a bad thing. To refute this asbestos can also use teak.  teak benefits  in terms of the building was not a stranger anymore, besides the quality of teak wood is good enough to be durable and long lasting.
4.       Alloy at Bodi Vehicles
In the automotive world, the use of asbestos is now tergantukan by fiberglass and carbon fiber. However, before the widespread use of fiberglass used, asbestos advance has become a key ingredient in the manufacture of body such Motor Vehicle.
Body on motorcycles, and even some small part of the car, such as bumpers, fenders and other parts are made by exploiting the use of asbestos. The use of asbestos is intended to reduce production cost, adding plastic materials, which are easily painted, such as asbestos. 
5.       To Block the Sun
The use of asbestos is also frequently used to block out the sunlight. Sometimes asbestos placed on fish ponds, or on the lawn of the house to the scorching sun is not shining too pond or yard. The sun is too hot can cause all sorts of trouble and also a problem, particularly in health.
Because it must be done in a way to prevent a reduction in the use of asbestos transparent. This would further add good mood for the room, during the day it would be good to save energy and water circulation. This is also one of the  benefits of home ceiling  in the selection of appropriate construction materials.
6.       To cover material a container or pond
For those of you who might like to breed fish, some might already have done this. Asbestos was often used to cover the fish pond, as well as to prevent the entry of excessive sunlight, the use of asbestos as this cap also directed that no fish jumped out.
Especially for ornamental fish that should be kept in a safe condition. Although not many people know about  the benefits of fish but to preserve the fish in the aquarium or in an attempt to reduce the stress experienced. Moreover goldfish ornamental fish that are more suitable in a large container.
7.       The roof of the garage
Asbestos was often used as the use of the garage. Asbestos materials which tend to be lighter than the tiles can be the first choice for manufacturing roof of the garage. To make this garage would be better if there is a garage windows and doors with windows like a model, as it will provide good air circulation.  The window  will be more suitable for use with the type of asbestos soft with good heat dissipation, so that the garage will not be felt stuffy.


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